Vision, Material, Process, Object

I have a lot of space to think while I am working. It’s mostly quiet in the studio and there are a lot of times where my hands are busy and my mind is wandering. I’ve started this section of the website so that I can share some of my thoughts, because I think it makes sense for the people who have my pottery in their home to know a bit more about the work and about me. 

Vision // material // process // object

Recently I’ve been thinking about how vision, material and process combine to create an object. In my work, I want to find a balance between all of these elements. I try to have a vision of an object to aim for, and to also let the things that happen along the way be included. 

I think that an object can’t be separated from its material, or from the processes that form it into what it is. When making a piece of pottery, myself, the clay and the glaze need to collaborate. Sometimes I notice a tendency to stick firmly to my original idea and try to force it to be that way, and I think it really doesn’t work. The clay and the glaze have their own tendencies; the clay might form a wonky rim when thrown, or the glaze might form drips on the surface. I am much happier with the result when I let these be included in the object - I think it has more to say that way. 


Why Pottery?